Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Fences By August Wilson - 1813 Words
In the Fences, by August Wilson shows that life of African Americans in the U.S. in the 1950s with the story of Troy and his family. Wilson uses the symbol of the fence to show the desires of each character like Rose’s desire is to keep her family together, Troy’s desire is to keep death out and to be not bound forever, and Bono’s desire is to follow Troy, his best friend, as an example of the right way to live and to be with Rose and Troy who are basically his family. Rose and the other seen characters represent people and show gender roles of the time, like Rose is a housewife, Troy is the provider. Also Cory is the new generation of emotion over responsibility, Gabriel represents the war heros that were permanently disabled from war†¦show more content†¦Bono: Some people build fences to keep people out†¦ and other people build fences to keep people in. Rose wants to hold on to you all. She loves you.†(12.i.) Here August Wilson in the first part shows a little of the gender roles of the 1950s where men are the boss of the house and women are subservient to them. It also shows that Rose did not go in as told but remained there with them and Troy accepted that he could not tell her what to do. The image or action of Rose not leaving shows the changing of the times in other words the 1950s on the fence to between the old ways and the new ones. In the first part of what Bono says describes Troy with death and the other part describes Rose with her love for her family and desire to keep everyone close and happy. The character Gabriel (Uncle Gabe) is a mix of many different things and people that of the time and believes he signals the opening of heaven’s gate as his interpretation of the fence. Gabriel is Troy’s half brother who went and fought in the war. He was medically discharged after receiving a head injury that permanently reduced his mental functions. Troy helped Gabriel get a settlement and helps spend/manage the money. Troy used the money to buy himself a house that Gabriel originally lived in as well until Gabriel moved out at his own wish. Wilson wrote: â€Å" Gabriel: ‘Oh, yeah†¦ I know it. The devil’s strong. The devil ain’t no pushover. Hellhounds snipping at everybody’s heels. But IShow MoreRelatedFences : Fences By August Wilson1541 Words  | 7 PagesName: Alejandro Ahmed Date: 12/6/16 Unit: American Drama Title: Fences Author: August Wilson Year of Publication: 1986 Fences Study Guide Descriptive i. Overview: â€Å"Fences†, was a play written by August Wilson in 1986. The play communicates the story of the son of an unsuccessful sharecropper, Troy Maxson, who has lived most of his life independently due to his father’s abuse during his childhood. The play focuses on Troy’s interactions and conflicts with other characters, and the complicated relationshipsRead MoreFences by August Wilson791 Words  | 3 Pageshave built fences to keep enemies out and keep those they want to protect inside. In society today, people create metaphorical fences in order to fence in their feelings, while others create literal fences in order to keep the unwanted away. In the play Fences, the Maxon family lives in 1950’s America whose love for sports and one another are questioned at times when they need to be together the most. In the play Fences by August Wilson, two main characters Troy and Cory Maxon build a fence, literallyRead MoreFences, By August Wilson1104 Wor ds  | 5 PagesAfrican-Americans during the middle of the twentieth century were treated differently than those of the white population. Fences, a play by August Wilson, demonstrates the frustration of white dominance during a time when African-Americans were secluded from society. The Maxson family are the main characters of the play, showing the life they lived in their black tenement in Pittsburg in the 1950s. The setting demonstrates the drama of their struggle, frustration, rebellion, and the predicamentsRead MoreAugust Wilson Fences984 Words  | 4 Pagesbecause in order to get what you want you have to fight for it. Two literary works that reflect this quote are Fences, a play about the struggles of African American before and during the Civil Rights Era in the 1950s and 60s, by August Wilson and â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†a short story that shows the difference between women and men during that time, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. ‘Fences’ shows th e revolution the characters face, their actions and what is the result of those choices. Whereas, ‘TheRead MoreFences, By August Wilson807 Words  | 4 PagesFences â€Å"Some people build fences to keep people out...and other people build fences to keep people in†(61). In the play, Fences, by August Wilson who displays how fences symbolize different situations to represent different characters. The story takes place in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the 1950’s, and in the play fences gives an outlook of providing an obstacle or barrier that is intended to keep something out or in. It shows through the protagonist character, named Troy Maxson and his wifeRead MoreFences by August Wilson883 Words  | 4 PagesFences, written by August Wilson, is a play about a man, named Troy, struggling to support his family during the late 1950’s. In this play, we see that Troy hurts the people closest to him. He has been uncaring towards his wife, Rose, his brother Gabriel and his son, Cory. This is because Troy had nothing to go on but the harsh example set by his father. In Fences, Troy has felt like he has been fenced in all of hi s life, which causes him to fence others in. Troy has felt fenced in all of his lifeRead MoreFences, By August Wilson895 Words  | 4 PagesFences written by August Wilson is an award winning drama that depicts an African-America family who lives in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania during the 1950’s. During this time, the Mason’s reveal the struggles working as a garbage man, providing for his family and excepting life as is. The end of segregation began, more opportunities for African American people were accessible. Troy, who’s the father the Cory and husband of Rose has shoes fill as a working African America man. He is the family breadwinnerRead MoreFences, August Wilson1835 Words  | 8 PagesAs illustrative of the kind of analysis I would bring to Fences, by August Wilson, if my bid to direct is successful, O prose to take direction for a part of Act 1, Scene 3 of the play. This will include possible blocking, camera work, music, and what the actor should be feeling and experiencing while acting the par t. I will examine how crucial it is that the actors portray their characters effectively, and I will offer commentary to assure just that. On the basis of these findings I will determineRead MoreSymbolism In Fences By August Wilson1460 Words  | 6 PagesKeep Love in or Lock it Out?: An Analysis of Symbolism in Fences Symbolism is defined as an artistic and poetic movement or style using symbolic images and indirect suggestion to express mystical ideas, emotions, and states of mind. In Fences by August Wilson, symbolism is used heavily throughout the play in order to represent deeper meanings and add to the emotion of the storyline. In order for the play to have so much depth and emotion, symbolism is crucial to the work itself and the heavy topicsRead MoreFences by August Wilson1495 Words  | 6 PagesGrowing up, most parents want what is best for their children with the hope that they will lead a better life than the one they had. On the surface, this does not seem to be the case in the relationship between Troy and Cory in August Wilson’s Fences. Troy was a hardworking man who did all he can to provide for his family. Cory worked equally as hard in his athletic career. Troy made a decision to end Cory’s football career out of protection but Cory viewed it as his father’ s jealousy. Troy’s rough
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Walmart Case Study - 1410 Words
Ragan Fretwell - Case 23: Walmart: But We Do Give Them a 10% Employee Discount Summary/Facts Walmart, one of the largest retailers in the world, was founded by Sam Walton in 1962. The first Walmart opened in Rogers, AR. It has since grown to over 10,300 stores all over the world. Employing over 2 million, it is hard to imagine the largest private employer in the world would ever be accused of being an unfair employee practices. Walmart has seen its share of litigation over the years. Litigation over off the clock work, sexual discrimination, health care benefits, unions, and unfair labor treatment have plagued the company. Off-the-Clock-Work Walmart has had numerous lawsuits filed accusing the company of forcing employees to work†¦show more content†¦Some employees were not eligible for coverage at all. This continued into 2014. Keeping cost low for Walmart is a very important issue for the company. The Role of Unions Walmart’s mission is to keep â€Å"everyday prices low†meaning labor costs must be kept at the lowest possible level. Walmart has always made every effort in keeping unions out of its company. The National Labor Relations Board has filed numerous complaints against Walmart. If a division decided to strike, Walmart would typically just fire the employees. An example of Walmart’s determination of keeping unions out was after Walmart moved into Canada. Walmart was forced to except the union at its Quà ©bec location, the company made the decision to just close the whole store. However, when the company moved into China, it made some major labor concessions. Not only unions into China, it also allowed branch of the Communist Party at Walmart’s Chinese headquarters. Use of Illegal Aliens U.S. Immigration agents raided over sixty stores in 2003 for alleged use of illegal aliens to clean the stores. The janitorial staff was subcontracted by Walmart, however, it was alleged they had knowledge in the subcontractors use of illegal immigrant labor. Walmart settled by paying an $11MM fine in 2005. Child and Other Labor Laws Since 2000, Walmart has been fined numerous times for not complying with labor laws for employees under eighteen years old. They allowed theseShow MoreRelatedHarvard Business Case Study: China Walmart678 Words  | 3 PagesWalmart- China 1. Customers patronize Wal-Mart China stores because they have low prices which are a great asset to china’s consumers who are more cost sensitive than other countries. Although, China’s consumers like to go to store after store to find the cheapest price, and of course Wal-Mart contains those low prices. Wal-Mart also established through studies and research that China’s customers valued great customer satisfaction which in return they displayed their loyalty by coming back overRead MoreCase Study on Walmart681 Words  | 3 Pagesclassic case study regarding the manner in which a company approaches (and fails miserably) in expanding operations outside the United States pertains to WalMarts endeavor to open the German market. After eight years of attempting to dominate and control the retail market much like it has accomplished in the United States, WalMart pulled the plug on its German operations and left that market with its business tail stuck between its l egs. Headlined in the Times was the fact that WalMart, the worldsRead MoreCase Study Walmart1946 Words  | 8 PagesWalmart’s Global Expansion: Key Facts, Issues and Strategies Fall 2011 Executive Summary Since 1991, Walmart International has experienced mixed results with its big-box, low cost strategy around the world, yet managed to progress to running 4,112 units in 15 countries – just shy of matching the number of units in the United States. The famous â€Å"Everyday low prices†, one-stop-shop Walmart boasts such a product assortment that it achieves economies of scale and scope in operations and marketingRead MoreWalmart Case Study2798 Words  | 12 PagesWALMART Andrew Louis Webster University MNGT 5650 Kenneth Chapman Wal-Mart study Case#1 1. What threats and challenges is Wal-Mart currently facing? From the beginning, Walmart did not have many threats. However, not only the competition is different, several global retailers such as Target, Carrefour, Costco, and Amazon, are working hard to keep efficiency. They are trying to work together to shrink the prices difference between them. Walmart has facing difficulties from everyRead MoreWalmart Case Study950 Words  | 4 PagesWalmart Case Study Case study Questions and Answers: 1- Examine the development of Wal-Mart over its 40 year history. It is now nearly half a century since Walmart exists. From humble beginnings in the 1960s in Arkansas to the world’s leading retailer, Walmart has come a long way to its success. Starting domestically in Arkansas, it was dedicated to its principals; genuine customer courtesy, a culture of respect for the individual and everyday low prices. In the 1960s, Sam Walton, the founderRead MoreCase Study : Walmart Case Study1252 Words  | 6 Pages Walmart case study To start of my case study, I’ll give you a brief history of Walmart’s background and what they do as a company, I will reiterate some of their contributing to society. I’ll also touch on some of the information I learned in the article and my take on it. Per the case study article Wal-Mart is the largest retail store in the United States, and is larger than any other retail chain in the world. Currently Wal-Mart operates over 4Read MoreCase Study of Walmart1394 Words  | 6 PagesCASE STUDY Professor: Dr. Mary Flannery Teaching Assistant: Jia-Yuh Chen ECON 136 – Business Strategy February 27, 2006 INDUSTRY ANALYSIS The retail industry is dominated by few retail giants, with Wal-Mart competing in several retail categories. Wal-Mart competes against Kmart and Target in the general merchandise retailing; against Costco in the warehouse club segment; and against Kroger, Albertson’s and Safeway in the supermarket retailing. Competition among retailers centers on pricingRead MoreWalmart Case Study2278 Words  | 10 PagesChapter 1 2 Module 1 Wal-Mart Case Study Shannan Haynes St Gregory’s University Give a short account of the history of the company, and trace the evolution of its strategy. Try to determine whether the strategies evolution of your company is the product of intended strategies, emergent strategies, or some combination of the two. The Wal-Mart story began in 1962 when Sam Walton opened the first discount store in Rogers, AR. In 1970 Wal-Mart experienced significant growthRead MoreWalmart Case Study5076 Words  | 21 PagesCase study on Wal-Mart Distribution Submitted by Sumit Gupta Sushant Mishra Umesh Gupta Vikash Singh Vishal Singh Vivek Ranjan Submitted to prof. mr. sham sharma M.A. (Lucknow), D.M.M. (LONDON) Group no. - 6, PGDM 2nd SEM No. of words--4756 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to show our gratitude to Resp. Prof. Mr. Sham Sharma, for providing us with the golden opportunity to prepare an intellectual report, on Distribution amp; Logistics Management of â€Å"wal-mart†. We are gratefulRead MoreWalmart Case Study4489 Words  | 18 Pages| Wal-Mart Stores Inc. | A Case Study on Management Evolution | This case study is an examination of how the Wal-Mart s management structure evolved and ranked three in the Fortune Global 500, 2012. | Contents Company Background 3 Case background 4 Executive Summary 5 Introduction 6 Strategy Evolution 7 1. Market Penetration 7 2. Market Development 7 3. Product Development 7 Organization culture 10 Managing Inventory 11 Managerial work 12 Conclusion 13 Exhibits
Monday, December 9, 2019
Slavery and African Slave Trade free essay sample
The African slave trade has been alive for centuries. While most of us associate slavery with 18th and 1 9th century America, the truth is that the African slave trade started long before America became involved. It is still alive today in certain parts of the African continent, but that doesnt change the fact that America was involved. The earliest records of the African slave trade in America date back to the beginning of the 1 7th century, when racial slavery was a punishment for servants who broke the law. In the 1 8th century, slaves were mostly used in the South to work in plantations and arms, especially by rich landowners who could afford the extra expense in order to maximize their profits. By the start of the Civil War in 1860, there were approximately four million slaves of African origin in the US. The Trans Atlantic slave trade was a peculiar institution in that it consciously targeted and separated the African slaves based on race and skin color, and then uniquely took the knowledge and memory of their history, language, culture and religion. We will write a custom essay sample on Slavery and African Slave Trade or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The African slaves were invaded by Spain and the white Americans. In Ghana and Nigeria in the 18th century, where the countries economies depended largely on the selling of hand labor, slavery inside Africa was often not for life. Slaves had the option of buying their liberty, and were normally paid enough that they could do it after a certain number of years. Blacks have never sold blacks for slavery. Most slaves were bought by Europeans from other African people. Often, rival tribes sold into slavery members of other tribes they captured during wars.Most of the slaves came from the West Africa and spoke many different languages. England was one of the latest countries to start slave trade. Soon England became on of the biggest slave trading nations. They began to bring slaves to the Caribbean. They formed the Royal African Company in 1672. This allowed English colonies in America to easily buy slaves from English traders. At the beginning only a few slaves came to English colonies. But when the big tobacco and rice plantations grew in the colonies in the south the slave trade increased. The trip was horrible. Many people died of diseases and were thrown overboard.People were packed like animals and had to watch others die and suffer. They id not know where they were going and many decided to fight or even kill themselves. The ships carried much more people than they were made for. The slaves were given very little food during the trip. But, few days before they reached America, they were given extra food so they would kick better and earn more money at the slave auction. I choose this topic because, slavery still exist in the world not only in America. They are like us, human being their is no difference between whites and blacks both of us created by God. Hat shame more is that they are illegal and do the house working leaning or working in farms. If you look at American culture it is based on African American slaves. We should appreciate them and be a peaceable with them. Hey blacks, if you are black doesnt mean that you are slave. For me I like black people and I love them much because they have a white heart and like a gold this is from my experience I believe that Blacks face more bias in America than whites when it comes down to jobs, housing, education, the justice system, etc. Whites are more privileged in this country than blacks.People who dont acknowledge this fact are ignorant, and in denial. With that said, the racial divide between whites and blacks has been closing for many years because of the work of leaders and everyday people on both sides of the aisle. Blacks today have far more opportunity for advancement then their ancestors could ever dream of. With blacks involvement in government, corporate, and entertainment positions, the future is brighter than ever. People of all colors have always been capable of great good and great evil, beginning long before recorded history. Mom of the comments stated that lack people should do this and that and said they could pick themselves up and and comparing them with the Jews, who are white. We all know that this world treats whites like regular people. The blacks and if your skin just happen to be dark, you are not helped, you get no help. Nobody is giving the black man or woman any help. The Jews do better simply because they are white. So dont compare the two. America treats anyone better than the blacks. Even foreigners. The truth hurts. However, do not believe that African Americans nor White Americans should ever forget what happened in the past.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Write Your Research Paper in One Day With Our Help
How to Write a Research Paper in a Day Well, you have only one day left before the deadline. This means that now you can either sit down and cry about your failed assignment or get yourself together and write your paper with our help. Let’s get right to it!Read your promptDo it even before you select a topic. Make sure that you are perfectly familiar with all requirements and didn’t miss a thing.Brainstorm topicsFirst, write a list of possible topics that fit your prompt. You may already have some ideas, for example, you may have heard about some topics from class, or you may read some books or articles on this subject.Google each topic from your listIf you see only a few results on some topic, cross it off your list. This topic may be difficult and you will need too much time to find enough sources.Make sure that your search includes results from credible websites. It’s good if you see many .gov or .edu websites.Search for some books on your subject. if you find a book online, you can use it later. Reviews are also useful.Choose your topicSelect a topic that shows the highest number of credible results and looks most interesting to you.Write an outlineYou need an outline to draw up the structure of subtopics. This will help you conduct a research faster. This also will help you understand your subject deeper so you will know what information is crucial for this topic, and what information is unnecessary but useful.You need about one subtopic for every two or three pages, so if your paper must be 10 pages long, you have to determine 3-4 subtopics. Check your prompt or ask your instructor to know how long your research must be.Organize your researchIf you don’t have much time, it’s especially important for you to prepare for a research and decide how you will collect information. You have to make sure that you won’t waste a couple hours on searching for some website that you closed accidentally. We suggest choosing one of three methods:Bookmarks;Copy and pas ting into a text document (you can use it later to write a bibliography);Special tools like Zotero (there are some websites that track sources and plan bibliographies).Do a research on subtopicsStart by googling the first subtopic. Try to rephrase it in different ways to get more search results. Save the most relevant results. Don’t read each page in detail now, just identify the most relevant pages. Check each page quickly, and if it seems to be useful, save it.We also suggest using Amazon previews or Google Books. Search for the subtopic and look at digital versions of books. Search for keywords that are related to your subtopic. If any book isn’t available online, save the link and find this book in the library later.Use Google Scholar. This service allows you to find sources that were reviewed by other students.Check online databases, such as LexisNexis, Proquest, or JSTOR.Once you’ve found enough sources for the first subtopic, repeat all the actions above for each next subtopic. Don’t forget that you don’t need to carefully read these sources now. At this stage, you just have to collect as much data as you can. It’s easier to get rid of unnecessary sources further than face the lack of information when you’ve written a huge part of your paper.Revise the outlineNow take a look at what you’ve got and decide what subtopics you will address for sure. Let us remind you that subtopics must take a few pages of your paper, so if you don’t have enough information about something from your list, cross this subtopic off. Make sure that one of your subtopics doesn’t include another because you don’t need to repeat yourself. Sometimes some subtopic may give you an idea about other questions to discuss. In this case, don’t be afraid to add a new subtopic to your outline.Draft your research paperSelect the subtopic that looks most familiar to you and start writing. Keep a window with th e list of your sources open during the whole writing process. You will save a lot of time if you don’t switch between windows.Read sources carefully and write about what you’ve just learned in your own words. Don’t edit your text now, and don’t try to make it beautiful. You will have a chance to do it all later. If you don’t know how to express a certain idea now, just make a note and think about it when you’ll edit your paper.Don’t start with an introduction. This section of the paper must summarize key points from the body part, so we suggest writing it at the end.Include citationsCheck instructions that you’ve been given to determine what citation style is required. However, at this stage, you don’t have to write full citations. Just make sure to save links of cited sources on the go, and don’t plagiarize your content.Write your introduction and conclusionBut first  take a break! Maybe it sounds a littl e crazy given that you have the deadline coming tomorrow, but once you’ve written your draft, take a little break. Your brain is unable to stay productive non-stop. Eat something, do a quick workout, or take a walk.After that, write a strong thesis statement. It must reflect your opinion on the subject, being concise and clear. It must be written at the end of your introduction.Polish your research paperFinally, when your paper is almost ready, it’s time to read everything that you wrote carefully and edit it. Get rid of all sentences or paragraphs that are not related to your thesis statement. Make sure to fix all spelling and grammar mistakes. Pay special attention to punctuation marks. You may need to read your paper out loud to understand whether your punctuation marks are used correctly.Arrange your footnotes according to the required citation format (MLA, Chicago, APA). Check manuals of style if necessary. After that, write your Bibliography section. Make sure th at it contains only sources that you actually used.Congratulations! Your research paper is done. However, we suggest giving it to somebody who can help you with proofreading. You can also order professional proofreading online.
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