Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Effects of Plastic Bags on Environment free essay sample
The utilization of the plastic turns out to be increasingly negative impacts on the wellbeing and condition. It influenced by plastic packs since we discard every one of them erroneously and destructive when utilizing in enormous amount and furthermore on account of the uninformed of the outcomes of utilizing the plastic sacks. This part should have been alert since plastic sacks are constantly utilized and afterward it likewise will be presented us to the risky by proceeding of utilizing the plastic packs. In this way, by changing our lifestyles can assist with diminishing the unsafe which is affected to the human and others.As individuals know, plastic is concoction materials which posture to the ecological issue, for example, air contamination and waste blockage issue. The plastic contamination can cause numerous issues, for example, an illness which are exorbitant to treat and it likewise will be hard to oversee. Before this occurred, why not we should know about ourselves and the encompassing from everything that can be occurred. We will compose a custom article test on The Effects of Plastic Bags on Environment or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Next, when the consuming of the plastics it can cause the air contamination. From the consuming of plastics, there are a lot of the hazardous gas contained in it. The toxins additionally can influence the ozone layer and an unnatural weather change. It additionally can influence the human’s wellbeing. Plastics are made out of petrochemicals that can deliver the corrosive downpour as the synthetic substances discharged into the environment. Next, if a lot of the plastics in the channel it might influence to the waste framework. That’s why plastics is the both of the components that can cause the blockage of the waste framework. This will happen particularly during the blustery seasons and furthermore cause the flooding. In conclusion, possibly our nation will the loss of the travel industry. Can be featured here, no one needs to communicate with the grimy environment.After that, to defeat the issue of the plastic issue, we have to locate the elective approaches to beat this issue. Biodegradable is the one most ideal way that can be utilized to shield nature from the unsafe materials and waste material. For instance, utilizing the reusable packs made of different textures as opposed to utilizing plastic is likewise the most ideal way that can decrease the air contamination. This is on the grounds that this textures are ecologically inviting and can be utilized over and again to decrease squander. Subsequent stages are the most significant that should be alert is legitimate waste removal, which is tossing the plastics in the set that previously served. At the point when utilized all the techniques, it will diminish the utilization of the plastic packs. Other than that, do the reuse technique where are discrete the gathering squandered dependent on the dustbin. This strategy likewise can diminish the waste blockage issues and air contamination can be forestalled. Other than that, do the battle that can urge individuals to utilize less hurtful material and utilize a larger number of materials that useful for nature than utilize the logical strategy, for example, for diminishing, reuse and reuse.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Adventure on an Island
‘’John and Alice, for your commendable execution in your year-end assessments, we are going for a little family occasion. ’’ said James Brown, father of John and Alice Brown. ‘’Where? Where? ’’ asked the youngsters enthusiastically. ‘’We’re heading off to a spot that offers boundless harmony and calm. That spot is Bermuda. And keeping in mind that you’re there†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ James talked for a long time about appropriate decorum and how it would influence them. In spite of the fact that it was very exhausting, it would have profited them on the off chance that they had focused as opposed to playing rock-paper-scissors. On the boat on the way to Bermuda, the kids lived like there was no tomorrow. They heaped food on their plates with a great deal of all that they preferred. Sufficiently sure, they couldn’t finish it. So they unobtrusively poured the leftovers of their incomplete food over the edge. As they did this, a scrap of their father’s discourse returned to them. ‘’When there is a great deal of food, take just a bit. On the off chance that it isn’t enough, return and take some more. This is obviously superior to taking a ton and afterward discarding it since you can’t finish it. ’ dislike we will do this for the remainder of our lives,’’ contemplated the youngsters. ‘’It’s just the first run through. Father doesn’t need to know. ’’ Sadly, this wasn’t the main unfortunate behavior the youngsters submitted. They additionally took things offered by obliging stewards and attendants without saying bless your heart. Weighed down with food and drink, the youngsters were excessively sluggish to appropriately discard the plastic wrappers from their bites. Rather, the two reckless youngsters consumed those wrappers. ‘’Don’t ever consume things, particularly plastic. Plastic is incredibly harmful. Whatever you do, don’t consume it. ’’ ’’We’re really sparing space and aiding people,’’ thought the kids. ‘’ Don’t they consume plastic in incinerators? On the off chance that we don’t consume them, these plastic is going to wind up in landfills, which occupy a great deal of room. Indeed, we’re doing something worth being thankful for. ’’ And not long after doing this, the two kids nodded off. The two kids before long woke up to awful warmth on the island. ‘’Hey! For what reason is the sun so sweltering out of nowhere? ’’, pondered the youngsters. Being cunning youngsters, they had the appropriate response in a matter of seconds. ’’It’s an unnatural weather change! ’’ said Alice. ’The ozone is diminishing on the grounds that individuals consume plastic and†¦.. ‘’ she halted in mid-sentence. †™â€™Oh dear, we simply did it on the boat! ’’ said John. ‘’Oh, quit worrying about John. What’s done will be finished. Why don’t we investigate the island? ’’ On their way, they saw a little lake brimming with dead fish. Inquisitive, the two youngsters chose to research. The lake was soaked with trash! It wasn’t just refuse however with bits of spoiled food. ‘’Look at the junk! Wasn’t that the seared chicken we couldn’t finish? Furthermore, aren’t those the bits of serving of mixed greens? What have we done? ’’ Shortly from that point onward, they saw a few gulls. Rather than white and dim, the gulls were dark and a fluid trickled from them. As the youngsters came nearer for a superior look, they saw that the fix of ocean that the gulls have recently ascended from had a thick layer of oil above it. It was the issue that is finally too much to bear for the two. ‘’Enough! We can’t take any longer! ’’ cried the youngsters. ‘’From now on, we’ll follow our father’s exhortation and never be inefficient! ’’ And that was the point at which they woke up. As yet suspecting the horrendous disclosure was valid, the kids raced to their folks, admitted and apologized to them. ’ What drivel! ’’ said James Brown. ‘’We are still on the boat, not an island! Both of you should have an awful dream. Something to do with your gorging, I shouldn’t wonder. Be that as it may, it was an excellent thing both of you brought up the mental fortitude to claim up. Recall your fantasy with the goal that you will never turn out badly. ’’ And so the Brown kin took in their exercise and changed their attitude towards the earth for the last time. Natural force isn't endless, the youngsters learnt. In spite of the fact that she might be almighty, she despite everything needs assistance. Let us take great consideration of the earth.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Overview of Tricyclic Antidepressants
Overview of Tricyclic Antidepressants Bipolar Disorder Treatment Medications Print Overview of Tricyclic Antidepressants Older-generation drugs still have their place in treatment By Marcia Purse Marcia Purse is a mental health writer and bipolar disorder advocate who brings strong research skills and personal experiences to her writing. Learn about our editorial policy Marcia Purse Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Daniel B. Block, MD on January 23, 2020 twitter linkedin Daniel B. Block, MD, is an award-winning, board-certified psychiatrist who operates a private practice in Pennsylvania. Learn about our Medical Review Board Daniel B. Block, MD Updated on February 14, 2020 Depression Overview Types Symptoms Causes & Risk Factors Diagnosis Treatment Coping ADA & Your Rights Depression in Kids Hero Images / Getty Images Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are drugs used to treat depression, bipolar disorder, and other conditions such as chronic pain and insomnia. While newer classes of antidepressant have far fewer side effects, TCAs still have their place in the treatment of these and other disorders. First introduced in the 1950s, tricyclic antidepressants are so-named because their molecular structure is composed of three rings of atoms. How Tricyclic Antidepressants Work Broadly speaking, depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain which results in abnormal communications between nerve cells (neurons). The chemicals that deliver these messages are called neurotransmitters. These chemical messages are relayed from one neuron to the next and, depending on the type of neurotransmitter involved, can influence how you feel and react. Tricyclic antidepressants work by preventing the reabsorption of neurotransmitters called serotonin and norepinephrine. The body needs both of these to function normally. If there is too much of either, you may end up experiencing anxiety. If there is not enough, depression may ensue. Because TCAs prevent the routine reabsorption (reuptake) of these neurotransmitters, there will be more freely circulating in the synaptic cleft between neurons in the brain. If you have depression, the restoration of the serotonin and norepinephrine levels can lead to an improvement in your symptoms.?? Conditions Treated Tricyclic antidepressants are used primarily to treat mood disorders but also have their place in the treatment of anxiety disorders, personality disorders, and neurological disorders.?? They are often used when other drugs are unable to provide relief. Mood disorders often treated with TCAs include: Bipolar disorderDysthymia (persistent mild depression)Major depressive disorder (MDD) Anxiety disorders sometimes treated with TCAs include: Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), including eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosaGeneralized anxiety disorder (GAD)Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)Panic disorder (PD)Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Neurological disorders sometimes treated with tricyclic TCAs include: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)Chronic painFibromyalgiaParkinsons diseaseMigraineNeuropathic pain TCAs may also be used to treat insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), interstitial cystitis, nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting), narcolepsy, and chronic hiccups. Approved Medications With tricyclic antidepressants, like other antidepressants, it will usually take between six to eight weeks before you feel any substantial improvement in your depression symptoms.?? Some of the more commonly prescribed TCAs include: Anafranil (clomipramine)Ascendin (amoxapine)Elavil (amitriptyline)Norpramin (desipramine)Pamelor (nortriptyline)Sinequan (doxepin)Surmontil (trimipramine)Tofranil (imipramine)Vivactil (protriptyline) Common Side Effects While different TCAs have slightly different mechanisms of action, they share similar side effects. Many of these are associated with the effect the drugs have on the smooth muscles of the internal organs. Common side effects include: AnxietyBlurred visionConstipationDizzinessDrowsinessIncreased appetiteMuscle twitchesNausea and vomitingRapid or irregular heart rateSexual dysfunctionSweatingWeaknessWeight gain These side effects may be reduced if treatment is started with lower dosages and then gradually increased. While not strictly addictive per se, the long-term use of TCAs may lead to drug dependence. TCAs are also a significant cause of fatal drug overdoses in the United States.?? Initial symptoms may include dry mouth, blurred vision, urinary retention, constipation, dizziness, vomiting, and hallucinations. If left untreated, an overdose may result in delirium, seizures, coma, cardiac arrest, and death. Drug Interactions Some of the side effects of tricyclic antidepressants may be intensified if taken with other drugs. In other cases, it can affect the bioavailability (concentration) of the drug in the bloodstream. As such, you should always advise your doctor about any substances you may be taking, including over-the-counter medications, herbal remedies, and recreational drugs. Certain drugs are contraindicated for use with tricyclic antidepressants, including:?? Alcohol blocks the action of TCAs and should be avoided.Anticholinergic drugs used to treat urinary incontinence and COPD can cause intestinal paralysis if co-administered with a TCA.Clonidine, used to treat hypertension, can trigger a dangerous rise in blood pressure if used with a TCA.Epinephrine used to treat severe allergic reactions can also trigger severe high blood pressure if used with a TCA.Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, also used as antidepressants, can cause high fever, convulsions, and even death is coadministered with a TCA.Tagamet (cimetidine), used to reduce stomach acid, may increase the concentration of the TCA in your blood, further intensifying the drug side effects. A Word From Verywell Tricyclic antidepressants can be effective in treating depression but may not work as well in some people as others. In some cases, the drug side effects may become intolerable and interfere with your very quality of life. If you are suffering serious side effects, call your doctor immediately but do not stop treatment until your doctor tells you to. Stopping abruptly can cause symptoms of withdrawal, including nausea, fever, chills, headache, dizziness, lethargy, and vomiting. Your doctor may be able to lower your dosage to where treatment is tolerable. If not, he or she would need to gradually taper the dose until you are able to safely stop.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
A Comparison of Domestic Abuse in Films - 1941 Words
The story â€Å"Revolt of Mother,†by Mary E. Wilkins depicts a woman (Sarah Penn) who is constantly exempt by her husband (Adonriam Penn) in taking part in important decisions until her frustration reached a breaking point, which ultimately leads to drastic changes in their family. In contrast a similar conflict arises in the movie Sleeping With the Enemy (1991), which was directed by Joseph Ruben. In the movie the main character, Laura Burney, had everything her heart desired. However below the surface she was really married to a possessive as well as a physically abusive husband who made all the impressive luxuries she had seem insignificant. Similar conflicts are also arise in the story â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,†by Charlotte Perkins Gilman.†¦show more content†¦Her obsession with the wallpaper will originate in the room, which will eventually lead to drastic changes. John (the husband) has good intentions, but he is somewhat condescending about being a p hysician. He feel does not need his own wife’s input about her own illness, and just makes decisions for her as if she a child. His wife (also the narrator) believes can handle her own problems, but still follows whatever John says. There is something holding her back from expressing herself because admits herself that she â€Å"disagreed with their ideas,†regarding her illness. Her inner desire was to become more independent from her husband, and make decisions on her own. As the story progresses the narrator develops an obsession with the yellow wallpaper. She begins to see woman trapped in the wallpaper, and only she could free her. The reader begins to see that not only is the narrator in conflict with her over bearing husband, but she also in conflict with the woman trapped in the yellow wallpaper. The values in conflict here would be the narrators inner desire to finally become independent from her husband as well as her husband being able to always having autho rity over what she does. The conflict is finally resolved at the end where the narrator finally tears off all the wallpaper, and frees the supposed woman trapped behind it. The winner here would have to be the narrator because she tore off the wallpaper itShow MoreRelatedDomestic Violence In The Movie Essay1092 Words  | 5 PagesDomestic Violence Domestic violence is an act of abusive behavior inflicted by someone in your household. The film No one would tell (1996) is about an abusive relationship that takes place outside of the home but was most likely influenced by domestic abuse. Stacy Collins, who is sixteen met and started dating a popular jockey named Bobby Tennison who went to her school. At first, everything seems perfect, but it ends up taking a turn for the worse. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Health Care Delivery Systems Staffing And Delegation
Health Care Delivery Systems: Staffing and Delegation Watching a medical show like, Gray’s Anatomy, the population get a dramatic and believable glimpse of life in an operating room (OR), but is it real? Today’s OR is a busy, bustling place for care of nervous, scared, and acutely ill members of society. The OR requires dedicated staffing and scope of service practices for care of these fragile patients trusting the staff to care for them during the operation. The author of this paper will explore the scope of service for all OR’s and determine staffing models necessary for safety of patients and employees alike. Many individuals see the OR as highly expensive area within the hospital due to equipment needs, instruments, supplies, suture, dressings, and everything in between; but, what does a typical day cost the hospital to staff and maintain the OR? How do long hours affect workplace and patient safety? The author will provide knowledge of staffing costs for an OR. Nursing in the OR takes a village of healthcare p rofessionals working to achieve team work, effective communication, and collaboration, requiring diligent delegation for successful delivery of care for each patient. The OR is a fast paced area to work and patient safety is the most important skill to possess. Scope of Service and Staffing Model What is the scope of service within the OR? The Association of PeriOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) promotes safe care for patients undergoing operative and otherShow MoreRelatedHealth Care Delivery Systems : Cost Containment1592 Words  | 7 PagesHealth Care Delivery Systems: Cost-Containment, Staffing Models, and Delegation Due to the passing of Obamacare, also known as The Affordable Care Act, American’s today are provided more access to healthcare than ever before. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law by President Barack Obama in March 2010 and signifies universal healthcare reform. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Asignment Free Essays
No marks will be awarded for the entire assignment if any part of it is found to be pied directly from printed materials or from another student. 2. All submissions should be made on or before the due date. We will write a custom essay sample on Asignment or any similar topic only for you Order Now 3. Any late submissions after the deadline will not be entertained. 4. Zero (O) mark will be awarded for late submission, unless extenuating circumstances are upheld. Scenario Computer everywhere Computers are everywhere. Watching television. Driving a car, using a credit card, even ordering fast food all involve computers, not to mention browsing the Web on your personal computer. Your car computer is an embedded computer that can be ascribed a special-purpose, because it only accepts input and performs limited functions. Your personal computer, on the other hand, Is general-purpose, meaning It accepts a wide range of input and can perform a variety of tasks. For one day, make a list of each computer you encounter (be careful not to limit yourself Just to the computers you see). How is the computer used? Is the computer special-purpose or general-purpose? Why? How was the task the computer performs accomplished before computers? Write a detail report your finding. The Assessment This assignment will contribute 50% towards the module marks, as mentioned In the student Assessment Information sheet. This assignment will be evaluated based on the following criteria. Marks will be awarded based on: Criteria Weight In Package understanding Demonstrating a sound knowledge and understanding of the scenario study in I OFF 25 Research and Analysis Discussion and analysis of the process that takes place based on the scenario given. Critical thinking and Applicability This includes analysis and evaluation of facts followed by results of evaluation. Displayed evidence of critical appraisal. Documentation and Referencing A proper documentation and references, adhering to the academic writing format as required by the university. 20 Guideline for Structure of document Prepare a document describing your analysis with appropriate diagrams, the report should be fully researched and referenced. Document the results of your work in a professional and systematic manner. Your completed documentation should meet the following requirements: 1 . Table of contents for every detailed section. 2. Abstract 3. Introduction 4. Sections . Conclusion 6. Appendices if necessary 7. References Submission requirements 1 . Your report must be typed using wordiness’s with Times New Roman font size 12, with 1. 5 spaces. Expected length is 3,000 words and you need to include a word count at the end of the report. 2. The report has to be well presented and should be typed. Submission of report that is unprofessional in its outlook (dirty, disorganized, inconsistent look, varying colored paper and size) will not fare well when marks are allocated. 3. The report should have a one (1†³) margin all around the page as illustrated below: 4. Every report must have a front cover. A transparent plastic sheet can be placed in front of the report to protect the front cover. The front cover should have the following details:- a) Name c) Subject. D) Project Title. E) Date Assigned (the date the report was handed out). F) Date Completed (the date the report is due to be handed in). 5. All information, figures and diagrams obtained from external sources must be referenced using the Harvard referencing system accordingly. Assignment marking criteria: Distinction (75%+) Demonstrated comprehensive research with detailed evidence. High level of analysis performed, exceptional and thorough knowledge and understanding displayed with regard to the application. This includes analysis and evaluation of facts followed by results of evaluation. Documentation presented in a professional manner, following proper sequencing and flow. Displayed evidence of critical appraisal. Credit (65-74%) Adequate research conducted with fair detail of evidence presented. Moderate level of understanding, analysis and knowledge displayed. Some level of relevance included in terms of application. Moderate level of analysis and evaluation of facts followed by results comparison. Good level of documentation presented. Some level of reflection was evident in the documentation. Moderate level of critical appraisal. Pass (50-64%) Low level research conducted. Some evidence of research displayed. Basic level of understanding and knowledge analysis displayed. Satisfactory level of documentation. No evaluation and analysis of facts, no results comparison performed Satisfactory or low level of reflection displayed. No level of critical appraisal demonstrated. How to cite Asignment, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Kwame Nkrumah free essay sample
Francis Nwia Kofi Ngonloma was born to Madam Nyaniba. [2][3] in Nkroful, Gold Coast. [4] Nkrumah graduated from the Achimota School in Accra in 1930,[1] studied at a Roman Catholic Seminary, and taugh at a Catholic school in Axim. In 1935 he left Ghana for the United States, receiving a BA from Lincoln University, Pennsylvania in 1939, where he pledged the Mu Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. , and received an STB (Bachelor of Sacred Theology) in 1942. Nkrumah earned a Master of Science in education from the University of Pennsylvania in 1942, and a Master of Arts in philosophy the following year. While lecturing in political science at Lincoln he was elected president of the African Students Organization of America and Canada. As an undergraduate at Lincoln he participated in at least one student theater production and published an essay on European government in Africa in the student newspaper,The Lincolnian. [5] During his time in the United States, Nkrumah preached at black Presbyterian Churches in Philadelphia and New York City. We will write a custom essay sample on Kwame Nkrumah or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He read books about politics and divinity, and tutored students in philosophy. Nkrumah encountered the ideas of Marcus Garvey, and in 1943 met and began a lengthy correspondence with Trinidadian Marxist C. L. R. James, Russian expatriate Raya Dunayevskaya, and Chinese-American Grace Lee Boggs, all of whom were members of a US based Trotskyist intellectual cohort. Nkrumah later credited James with teaching him how an underground movement worked. He arrived in London in May 1945 intending to study at the LSE. After meeting with George Padmore, he helped organize the Fifth Pan-African Congress in Manchester, England. Then he founded the West African National Secretariat to work for the decolonization of Africa. Nkrumah served as Vice-President of the West African Students Union (WASU). Over his lifetime, Nkrumah was awarded honorary doctorates by Lincoln University, Moscow State University; Cairo University in Cairo, Egypt; Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland; Humboldt University in the former East Berlin; and other universities.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
To What Extent, In Your Opinion, Is Shylock A Complete and Inhuman Villain Essay Example
To What Extent, In Your Opinion, Is Shylock A Complete and Inhuman Villain Essay The way in which Shylock is played on stage has changed greatly since the play was first performed, when he was made out to be a villain and a clown. This altered in the nineteenth century when Shylock was portrayed as an intelligent man who had been victimised. Undoubtedly, Shakespeare did not write Shylock as a simple, one- sided part. To a modern audience, Shylock is sometimes a villain and sometimes a victim. However, in Shakespearian times, they would have had the much simpler view that Shylock was in the wrong and they (The Christians) were right. In Shakespearian England anti- Semitism was rife. Jews were widely regarded as evil and the entire community had been expelled from England in 1290. Jews were persecuted worldwide and forced to live their lives in ghettos. Audiences in the Elizabethan era who were predominately Christians would have delighted in Shylocks defeat, where as todays society is multicultural and diverse, hence we may have an entirely different view on this topic. Throughout the play we hear evidence that would justify Shylocks wickedness towards Christians, you call me misbeliever, cut- throat dog. Anyone who is called these names, spat upon and spurned is not going to behave in a polite way towards the source of rudeness. Depicted as a villain to many readers, Shylock shows his true feelings towards Antonio, aside to the audience, I hate him for he is a Christian. As well as proving his hatred of Christians, this does nothing for the sympathy towards him from the audience; A Shakespearian audience would immediately dislike Shylock. He also states that Antonio lends out money gratis. We will write a custom essay sample on To What Extent, In Your Opinion, Is Shylock A Complete and Inhuman Villain specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on To What Extent, In Your Opinion, Is Shylock A Complete and Inhuman Villain specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on To What Extent, In Your Opinion, Is Shylock A Complete and Inhuman Villain specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This shows that Shylocks reasons for hating Antonio are not only because he is a Christian and the way he treats Shylock and fellow Jews, but also the fact that he lends money to people without charging interest, hence which adversely affects Shylocks livelihood. This open display of greed and hatred makes Shylock even more an unsympathetic character. Furthermore, Shylocks hatred for Antonio can build up the dislike of himself to Christians, as they see Antonio as a fellow being. Shylock is portrayed as narrow- minded, a characteristic associated with archetypical villains. Shylock displays elements of belligerence in his refusal to forgive Christians. When Bassanio invites Shylock to dinner, he refuses at first, I will not eat with you, nor drink with you. This shows his stubborn belief in the prodigal Christian and also the strong divide between religions. Eventually he goes in hate. During the play, we learn of Shylocks intent in taking Antonios life, if I can catch him once upon the hip, I will feed fat that ancient grudge I bear him. This adds to the audiences dislike of him as well as attaining a reverence of a true villain, as the audience are under the belief that Shylock will go to great lengths to take Antonios life. Shylock is uncaring and rough as a father towards his only daughter. When we first witness an interaction between them, Shylock orders her about as if she were a servant, hear you me, Jessica, lock up my doors and mentions nothing about her well- being, only the well- being of the house, let not the sound of shallow foppery enter my sober house. These comments made by Shylock show how his relationship with his daughter is very weak, harsh and strict. The audience then shows sympathy for Jessica and in turn have an aversion to Shylock. Moreover, Shylock never notices his daughters strange behaviour on the night she is due to elope- showing that Shylock is not a very attentive father. Perhaps he is too preoccupied with generating yet more wealth to concern himself with his only daughter. This view of him as self- serving and avaricious is compounded by his reaction to Jessica running away with a Christian. He is outraged that she has left and has stolen some of his money, I would my daughter were dead at my foot. It seems like he cares more for the money than Jessica, because we hear, oh my ducats more than my daughter. Again Shylock portrays himself in an unsympathetic way, as vindictive and villainous. He wishes for the death of his own daughter as the price for her treachery and even goes as far as to wish she were hearsed at my foot and the ducats in her coffin. This shows Shylock to be a cold, heartless man, devoid of parental feeling, who is focused purely on revenge and money. Another example of Shylocks villainy is in the courtroom. Here, he has the chance to show that he is far superior to the Christians. If Shylock were to show mercy to Antonio, then he would come out of the proceedings very well indeed. However, he presses on ruthlessly with his attempt to kill Antonio which, when he fails turns the audience against him. He is described, even by the Duke as a stony adversary, an inhuman wretch. As various people beg him to show mercy he only replies coldly, I will have my bond. Even when Bassanio offers him six times the original fee, he still refuses, I would not draw them, I would have my bond. All this installs hatred of him in the courtroom, as he sits sharpening his knife stating that there is no power in the tongue of man to alter me. Conversely, Shylock could be seen as the victim in this play. It could be argued that he has suffered a lot of racial abuse, maybe more often than an average Jew in the Venetian society. Shylock has been called names such as evil soul and devil incarnation, which portrays dislike towards him, probably due to his money lending occupation. However is it right to torment some just because they are of a different religion? Shylock is preyed upon by many Christians, but it seems by Antonio, more than any. Indeed Antonio seems to be the source of much of Shylocks abuse. He has disgraced me, laughed at my losses, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains and heated mine enemies and his reason, I am a Jew. Antonio also shows that that he has no remorse for what he has said and done to Shylock, he openly states he would call thee so again, spit on thee again . Here we can see how Shylock can have extra vengeance for Antonio and how no-one could blame him for being angry at this deliberate racism. When they first meet in the play, Shylock says, many a time and oft in the Rialto you have rated me. This shows how readily Shylock accepts being abused and installs our sympathy in him. It also displays how much Shylock has endured from haters. During the play it becomes obvious that the mistreatment of Shylock comes from Christians, therefore it is understandable that he has a certain loathing for them. In Venice, if a Jew wrong a Christian the Christian will seek revenge. So it seems only fair that if a Christian wrong a Jew, then the Jew will take lead and, by Christian example seek revenge too. Shylock also states that, the villainy you teach me I will execute. This implies that Shylock is not the villain, but only acting as he is treated himself. In addition Antonio lends money to people with no added interest. This limits Shylocks business as people would rather go to Antonio than Shylock. This can affect the livelihood of Shylock and make us feel sorry for him. Another aspect of how Shylock is victimised is the fact that Antonio accepted the offer with a lawyer present and therefore understood the consequences in place if he could not repay the bond. He should have never signed it if he was not prepared to accept the forfeit. Antonios stubbornness caused himself to be in such a position. He wanted to gain the upper hand over Shylock when his ships return with thrice three times the value of this bond. However when all did not go to plan, Antonio was stuck in a very difficult position. By law Shylock had the power to fulfil the bond and kill Antonio. In Shylocks attempts to retrieve his debt by going to court, he is humiliated even more. He endures many more anti- Semitic comments; devil here he comes in the likeness of a Jew. Here it shows his dehumanisation even in court where there is to be justice. They call an outcast of society and criminals who have committed unthinkable acts, devils. Subsequently, this shows that Shylock walked into a courtroom full of biased Christians ready to tear him apart, because of his religion. This gives us the idea that they may not know Shylock, but because of his religion they are, at first glance, classing him an outcast. The Christians also seek to torment Shylock even when he is most vulnerable, such as when Jessica elopes with Lorenzo. Christians invite Shylock out to dinner the night his daughter is stolen from him, so this betrays his trust in them even further. When he speaks to Salerio he mocks him about the disappearance of his daughter, thats certain: I, for my part, knew the tailor that made the wings she flew withal. This proves how much Shylock is mocked in his life, even after the people closest to him have deserted him. He was a protective father and just wants the best for Jessica. When the carnival is going on outside he wants to keep Jessica away from the Christians, clamber not you up to the casements then, nor thrust your head into the public street. He quite rightly says this considering the way he is treated by Christians. He loves his daughter and does not want her to get hurt. In addition, the fact that Jessica stole some of his money and valuable Jews makes us feel sorry for Shylock even more. All his life he has worked hard to earn his money and it has been snatched away from him. We also learn that Jessica has stolen and then given away the ring of Shylocks wife for a monkey. Shylock cries out and says, I would not have given it for a wilderness of monkeys. This shows how mush Jessica has hurt him and we are deeply sympathetic. Shylock is nai ve in the way that he believes he can take on the Christians when the foundation of Venetian law is designed to serve the best interests of the Christians. Shylocks punishment is harsh- he has to give up all of his wealth to his enemies and become a Christian, he is left with nothing. Here we see Shylock, an utterly broken man and our heart goes out to him. Then, at the end of the play, in the last act, we learn that everyone is happy, everyone apart from Shylock, who does not feature. This leaves us speculating what happened to him and we feel for him, wondering what he is doing while everyone else is happy and peaceful. Stereotypically, it seems that the villain is punished and the treat is over. However, although Shylock pursues his revenge fervently, he still has the audiences sympathy because of the unfair and callous punishment he receives. It strikes a modern day audience as unjust that the severity of his punishment reflects not his crime, but his race. He is a victim of the Christians intolerance of other races and ideas. In all, I believe that Shylock is merely a victim in this story. He has the right to have vengeance for all he has suffered and to act as the Christians act towards him. He has been humiliated in a racist society where the Christians have no conscience in dehumanising and destroying a Jew. Furthermore, his only daughter runs away with one of his persecutors. She steals his money and the ring his wife gave him. It seems justified that he should feel betrayed and hurt. Shylock only demanded a bond that Antonio had accepted to. It could be argued that if Antonio was not willing to die, then why did he consent to Shylocks contract in the first place. We can only guess at how Shakespeare intended Shylock to be played. He becomes throughout the play, an increasingly lone figure and is portrayed by Shakespeare to be in some ways very human. Shakespeare could have decided to show Shylock completely defeated at the end of the play, not even to have his religion to hold on to, which would indicate that he was intended to be a villain. On the other hand, I think Shylock was intended to be a victim and was created to challenge the pre- conceptions and ideologies of the Elizabethan era. Also I think that he is not a villain because he inspires too much empathy in an audience. Having said all this, I believe that it is no useful for us to simply categorise Shylock as either victim or villain. Through Shylock, Shakespeare explores the way in which the line between the oppressed and the oppressor can become vague.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
What Is SAT Reading Comprehension How to Practice
What Is SAT Reading Comprehension How to Practice SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you're readingthis guide, you may have heard the term SAT Reading Comprehension. It's an olderterm to describe a specific type of SAT Critical Reading question.While the term is outdated, SAT Reading Comprehension is still very important today. The questions fromReading Comprehension are used as apart of the new 2016 SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section. If you hadn’t heard about the new 2016 SAT, read all about the changes to the SAT here before continuing to read this article. Reading Comprehension is a big part of the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section. You need to understand what it is, what types of skills it tests, and how to practice it in order to succeed on the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section. What Is SAT Reading Comprehension? SAT Reading Comprehension refers to a specific type of SAT question that was in the SAT Critical Reading section on the old SAT and will be in the new 2016 SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section. This type of question is more commonly referred to aspassage-based readingbecausethat's the termthe College Board uses on SAT score reports. You can see an examplefrom a 2015 score report below: If you’re familiar with the old SAT, you know that the SAT Critical Reading section asked two types of questions: sentence-completion and passage-based reading questions.On the new SAT, the SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section will no longer have sentence-completion questions but will still have passage-based reading questions. The new passage-based reading will be slightly different.The new passage-based reading will test all of the same skills covered on the old SAT plustwo new skills.I’ll cover the exact skills below. What Skills Are Tested The new SAT’s passage-based reading questions will ask you questions related to five passages: One passage dealing with US and World Literature Two passages dealing with History and Social Studies Two passages dealing with Science When answering questions about these passages, you’ll be asked 8 types of questions (each utilizing a different skill). The first 6 were also skills required for the old SAT. Skills 7 and 8 are new for the new SAT: #1:Identifying the Meaning of Vocabulary in Context This kind of reading comprehension SAT question asks you about what a specific word means in the context of the passage. Often, the word is relatively common (not like the old sentence completion words such as â€Å"aberration†). However, these common words are usually being used in an uncommon way. Sometimes they have multiple meanings, and the less common meaning is being tested. Example In line 23, "ran" most nearly means fled gathered traversed betrayed #2: Identifying the Big Picture / Main Point of the Passage For these questions, you’ll be askedwhatthe overall purpose of the passageis.Is it meant to inform, review, contradict, prove, parody, or hypothesize? Example The primary purpose of Passage 1 is to make a comparison argue a hypothesis justify a clarification highlight a concern #3: Identifying the Purpose of Small Details in the Passage These questions typically refer to a specific line or two and ask you about a specific detail. It might also ask what a phrase or paragraph is accomplishing in the context of the whole passage. Example Which best describes the function of the statement in lines 10-13 ("")? It summarizes the points made in the first paragraph. It provides support for the argument made in the preceding statement. It introduces a contrasting opinion. It challenges recent scientific findings. #4: Interpreting the Meaning of a Line, Paragraph, or Whole Passage / Making an Inference For these questions, you need to interpret the meaning of a line, paragraph, or the whole passage. These won't be asking for subjective interpretations. There will always be only one correct answer. Example The author of the passage would probably agree with which of the following statements about the "Kafka" referred to in line 37? His books were too long. He was ahead of his time. He should be more widely taught. He was crazy. #5: Identifying the Function of a Phrase or Sentence in the Passage To answer these questions, you need to figure out what effect a phrase or sentence has in the passage. Example In lines 4-5, the author refers to her â€Å"flighty nature†primarily in order to imply that Ophelia has only a superficial feelings for Gerald. suggest that Ophelia is excessively concerned about appearances. illustrate some of the exaggerated claims made Ophelia’s uncle. emphasize Ophelia’s unpredictability. #6: Identifying the Author’s Tone, Style, Voice, Attitude, or Perspective Author Techniquequestions ask what the author's tone, style, voice, attitude, or perspective is. Example The author discusses Ethiopian culture from the perspective of a concerned spectator a shocked visitor a knowledgeable insider a well-read outsider #7: Interpreting Data This is one of the new skills. For these questions, you have to interpret graphs or charts and say which fact they best support or least support. You don't need to be a science or data expert to get these questions right, but you need to be able to read and interpret graphs and charts. #8: Providing Evidence Support This is the other new skill for the new SAT. These questions come in sets of two. The first asks a question about the passage, and the second question asks you where in the passage you got your evidence for the first question. Examples Via College Board's Test Specifications for the Redesigned SAT How to Practice First and foremost, you need to know the test format and strategies, so there are no surprises the day of the test.Learn more about each type of passage-based reading question, the best passage-based reading strategies, and the best way to study SAT vocabulary for the new SAT.This knowledge will help you shape your study plan. After learning this material, you need to incorporate SAT practice tests into your study routine.Check out the best SAT reading comprehension practice tests and questions. What’s Next? If you're taking the SAT, you should learn about the format of thenew SAT,and also, check out some general tips onhow to prepare for the SAT. Before you start studying for the SAT, figure out what’s a good score for your target college. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Reading lesson, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:
Thursday, February 20, 2020
A Comparison of Some Methods of Cluster Analysis with SPSS Dissertation
A Comparison of Some Methods of Cluster Analysis with SPSS - Dissertation Example duction to Classification and Clustering Statistical analysis is the process by which those conducting research and analysing data, can determine who or what within a dataset, fit certain patterns and trends. There is always a dependent or prominent variable which is affected by independent variables under different analytical circumstances and then there is clustering a group of people, for example, who may have similar buying propensities or who respond the same way to a certain dosage in a medical treatment (Norusis 361). As Burns and Burns describe it, cluster analysis classifies ‘a mountain of information into manageable meaningful piles’ (552). Clustering into groups helps in identifying and classifying particular categories into a membership, from which a classification rule is determined. In a simple description of cluster analysis, it is a generic name for mathematical operations which determine what classified objects fit closely in a group (Romesburg 2). Analy sis conducted on a batch of rocks as the main group, will show through analysis that some are classified as simple round pebbles, others are quartz, rough diamonds (hopefully) or fool’s gold (typical luck). Characteristics of the rocks then reclassify into smaller clustered groups, depending on the goal of the research (2). Linkage between the variables, the cases and the clusters are a main proponent of cluster analysis (Burns and Burns 1). Classification analysis is used more often in regular research analysis than people realize and there are several ways of approaching classifications, as reviewed in the next section. Information and marketing research has found ways to conduct all types of cluster sampling, for example, in order to learn more about what is happening in their market with consumers, their purchasing habits, and where these are occurring. One popular form of research is through area sampling, where clusters are done by geographic designations such as north, northwest, south, southwest, and so on, or by metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs), such as cities, streets, and regional divisions (Hair, Bush, and Ortinau 352). Whatever the sampling is, cluster sample provides that sampling clustered units are divided into exclusive groupings where each cluster is considered a representative of mutually similar components (Zikmund 708). A more common term used in the marketing research field is segmentation when referring to a population group of customers and this can also be cluster sampled by customers in different cities to find out which cities are alike in consumer purchasing (Churchill and Iacobucci 820). In psychology, clustering is a process of putting together groups of people, based on their responses to variables, rather than grouping those variables, such as found in factor analysis (Field 1). From that point, Euclidean distance determines the geometric distance between two objects, also known as cases. In the cases where there are some negative and some positive differences, the distances are squared, therefore providing a positive distance. This is because a negative distance, squared, becomes a positive. A positive distance, squared, remains a positive distance. At the end of squaring all the distances, then they are all summed up and then the square
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Summary and critical analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Summary and critical analysis - Essay Example Experience significantly shapes expert progress. It adds to professional and educational qualifications to improve the abilities of the designer with time. Experience is attained through practical performance such as during internships. Internships offer chances for designers to carry out project work. If a student shows excellent ability during internships, employment can be secured from it. Education qualifications are tested through actual work and familiarity. Once education and experience required are obtained, a designer becomes eligible to sit examinations to certify that the minimum competencies to be a member of the profession have been met. Such exams are administered by selected bodies such as the NCDI. Passing the examination entitles one to be licensed to practice and issued with a practicing certificate. From then, an individual can continue professional advancement by joining relevant professional bodies such as the American Association of Interior Designers and the International Interior Design Association. Members enjoy benefits such as sharing of knowledge, prestige, and advocating for rights of designers. Finally, a designer can engage in social responsibility to give back to the profession and the society in contribution to professional development. It can be done in various ways such as training interns and participating in design competitions among other voluntary
Monday, January 27, 2020
Workload Management in Mental Healthcare
Workload Management in Mental Healthcare Workload Management / Transition to Practice (Mental Health) Prescribed Evidence General Introduction The clinical setting I have chosen for the workload management is Connolly Norman House Mental Health Clinic. For my seven week placement in this clinic I was working with the CMHNs from the Mater Sector Community Services. The aims of the Mater Sector Team continuously focused on providing the highest standard of care to each patient while working in partnership with the service user and its family and respect the person’s individuality. The Mater Sector Team consisted of two consultant psychiatrists, two medical registrars, five CMHNs, one social worker, one clinical psychologist and one administrative secretary. Other services which were linked to the clinic included the main hospital, the day hospital, day centres and numerous other support services. Each CMHN had assigned a number of service users for which she has designated responsibility. Each patient’s care was planned in collaboration with them and the amount of input provided to each patient depended on how unwell somebody was and how much input was necessary was decided by the CMHN. In order to identify the care needs of service users, the Bio-Psycho-Social Nursing Assessment is used in the particular clinical setting chosen for this assignment. This model is recovery oriented and involves service user’s opinions on what is needed in order to improve their recovery journey. The main goal of this assessment framework is to empower the service user re-gaining a life, which includes responsibility, choice, risk taking, hope and social inclusion. The Quality Framework for Mental Health Services in Ireland (Mental Health Commission 2007) was the philosophical framework which guided my delivery of nursing care. The framework promotes a user centred, recovery focused approach. It aims to empower users of the service while also emphasising the person’s journey towards recovery. This framework is very broad and enabling as it applies to all services equally regardless whether care is being delivered in an in-patient setting, in the community or in the home. Client Work For the duration of my seven week placement in this clinic I was delegated a caseload of five patients but for this assignment I will focus only on three patients because of the word count limit. The patients to be taken onto my caseload were selected by my preceptor and the other CMHNs. John is a 76 year old man with a history of depressive disorder and anxiety. John lives alone and socially isolates himself. He is divorced for many years. He has two sons but has contact with only one of them who visits him regularly. His physical health is not very good as he has a history of diverticular disease which causes him abdominal and stomach pain. At the moment, objectively John does not display any symptoms of depression or anxiety and subjectively John reported â€Å"I am feeling ok now.†John’s main issue at the moment is that he continues to be socially isolated and remains unmotivated to go out for walks or to attend any of the groups in the Day Care Centres. When I met John for the first time I informed him what my role is and together we devised a care plan for him in order to reduce his social isolation and to remain well in mental and physical health. The first plan devised was in relation with his daily routine. I explained to him that incorporatin g short walks in his daily routine will benefit his physical and mental health. I also explained to John that social interaction is very important in reducing and preventing the symptoms of depression. John also agreed for me to refer him to â€Å"Befriending†services with a view to reduce his social isolation as they can make available one-to-one companionship once a week. John also agreed for me to visit him once a week and to go out for short walks. For the first two weeks John denied going out for walks together with me as we planned previously. He was displaying lack of motivation and he would find different reasons to avoid going out. As a former psychiatric nurse, John would always like to talk to me about his career and the hospital he was working with. As he was still living nearby his previous workplace, on my third visit I asked John if he would like to show me around the grounds next to the hospital where he used to work. John was very happy about this and agreed to go for a walk. For the next few weeks John appeared to be more motivated to go out for walks while me accompanying him and reported that he really enjoys the walks. Because John has a history of non-compliance with medication, on each of my home visits to him I ensured that he was taking his medication as prescribed and checked his dosset box. At the end of my placement John informed me that he is socialising more with his friends and agreed to continue to go out for walks few times a week. Sarah is a 44 year old lady with a diagnosis of chronic paranoid schizophrenia with prominent negative symptoms. Sarah has two sisters and one brother who died two years ago. She is living with her parents and they look after her at home. Sarah has major difficulties in attending self-care and ADL’s in general. She has a lack of daily routine spending much of her time in bed. She has isolated herself from the outside world since her early teenage years. Sarah has also difficulty in retaining information and is unable to travel on her own around town because of her lack of awareness regarding directions and safety. Because of this, her parents fear of her welfare or becoming lost. Since Sarah’s medication was changed to Clozapine, she has been more interactive with others and increasingly initiating conversation. She has also expressed an interest to attend the art and music therapy group in a Day Centre. I worked closely with Sarah and together we devised a care plan wi th a view to improve her self-care and to have more structure throughout the day. She also agreed for me to accompany her to the Day Centre in order to attend the art and music groups. This would improve her social activity outside of home and her independence by improving her directions skills to and from the Day Centre. Next, we formulated a plan to be followed every day and that consist of her to have a shower in the morning, helping her mum to prepare the meals for the day and going out for walks daily accompanied by one of her parents. While I accompanied Sarah to the Day Centre I used picture and monument identification folder to identify what bus to get and what stop to wait at. I also allowed Sarah to lead the way with minimal assistance. At the end of my placement Sarah had more structure to her day and her mum informed me that she could see a real improvement in Sarah’s behaviour while attending her activities of daily living. Sarah’s interaction with other p eople in the day centre also improved and she reported that she really enjoys the groups. She was still unsure of bus route numbers but she was able to lead the way from the bus stop to her house. Sarah and her family were delighted of her improvements. Mary is a 77 year old lady with a long history of paranoid schizophrenia. Mary has one daughter and after the separation from her husband, she lived with her mother who would look after her and her daughter. Since her mother died twenty years ago Mary lives on her own but her daughter and her sister visit her regularly. At the moment Mary’s mental state is stable and she complies with the medication prescribed. However, Mary feels that her memory is poor and she is worried about not being able to manage paying the bills. After I had been introduced to Mary, together we devised a care plan in order to reduce her anxiety in relation of not being able to remember things and to reduce her worries regarding bills. Mary agreed to use a notebook to write down what she needs to remember. I also encouraged her to attend for an assessment with psychiatry of old age and she agreed for me to talk with one of the doctors in the clinic about this. Mary also agreed for me to complete a budge t plan form for her and to send it to†¦.I also encouraged her to pay the bills weekly until this would come into effect. Furthermore, I advised Mary to have more social outlets by attending day services or community social services. Mary agreed with this and asked me to refer her to one of the day centres. At the end of my work with Mary she informed me that using the notebook helped her significantly about recalling things she has to do and that she is using it very often. I also informed Mary that I was in contact with one of the charity organisations and they agreed to help her pay the bills until she could use the budget plan and she was very happy with this. Mary continues to attend a day centre once a week and she finds it very enjoyable. Mary was pleased with the help she received from me as she informed me and I advised her to contact the CMHN if she has concerns regarding her mental health and for support. Management Tasks During my placement, I carried out numerous administrative and management tasks, including: answering the phone and taking messages for other members of the team, carrying forward patient’s appointments for their depot injections and ordering from the pharmacy if necessary. I would also take part in organising and filing medical and nursing notes. Seeing that there was an administrative secretary in the clinic she carried out many of the administrative tasks. Workload Management For this assignment I am going to describe a typical working day within Mater Services Team in the clinic of Connolly Norman House. The day usually commences at 9:00hrs and ends at 17:00hrs. After arriving I informed my preceptor that I have to carry out two home visits to two of the patients in the morning. At 9:30hrs I left the clinic to visit one of my patients. I arrived at my patient’s house at 9:45. I accompanied my patient for a walk and to the local coffee shop for a cup of tea. After we returned to my patient’s house I completed a nursing assessment with him. I left the patient’s house at 11:00hrs. I walked to visit my next patient. I arrived at her house at 11:15. After I have talked with my patient about how she feels and about her concerns I went back to the clinic. I arrived at the clinic at 12:15hrs. I recorded in the patients nursing notes regarding the home visits. I also did a handover to my preceptor about the two patients. While in the office, I had to answer the phone and record a few messages in the message book. I also had to make a referral for one of the patients to one of the support services for people with mental illness. After I completed the referral, I went for my lunch break from 13:00hr to 13:45hrs. In the afternoon from 14:00hrs to 17:00hrs patients are expected to attend the clinic in order to receive their depot injection and to attend their appointment with the doctor. At 1:45 I went to the clinical room to prepare the trolley for the depot injections. The clinic lasted from 14:00hrs until 16:30hrs. During this time I had to administer depot injections under the supervision of staff nurse and afterwards I sign the patient’s kardex and get it co-signed by the nurse who supervised me. I then ensured to follow up the depot book and document when his/her depot is next due and I informed the patient when they are due to return again and provide them with an appointment card. I also had to check each pat ient’s vital signs and weight as part of a physical screening evaluation programme. At one point I had to link with the secretary as I couldn’t find one of the patient’s kardex but she couldn’t find it either. Therefore I had to ask the doctor to re-write a new kardex in order for the patient to receive her depot injection. While in the clinic I also had to take two phone messages and pass them on to one of the CMHN. At 16:30hrs I went for a hand over from the doctors working within our catchment area. The handover was regarding new referred patients to the services and lasted for 30 minutes. I had to record all the information from the doctors with regards new patients referred to the services. I finished work at 17:00hrs. Conclusion After completing this placement I feel I have gained a lot of experience in working in the community. By having my own caseload it encouraged me to use my own initiative and whenever I felt in a challenging position I always asked for guidance from my preceptor or other staff nurse. My preceptor and the other CMHNs supported and guided me throughout my seven weeks placement.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Blood As An Image In Macbeth Essay -- essays research papers
Shakespeare uses the symbol of blood in MacBeth to represent treason, guilt, murder and death. These ideas are constant throughout the book. There are many examples of blood representing these three ideas in the book. Blood is mentioned throughout the play and mainly in reference to murder or treason. The first reference to blood is in MacBeth's soliloquy in Act 2, Scene 1, Lines 33-61, when Macbeth sees the bloody dagger floating in the air before him. Also in this soliloquy on line 46 he sees "on thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood", this means that there is blood on the handle and spots of blood on the handle. This is implying that the dagger was viciously and maliciously used on someone. Shakespeare most likely put this in as premonition of murder and death to come later in the story. The next reference, although indirect, in Act 2, Scene 2, Lines 5-11 is when Lady MacBeth talks about smearing the blood from the dagger on the faces and hands of the servants that she drugged. In Act 2, Scene 2, Lines 11-12, "I laid their daggers ready; He could not miss them". Notice how she said THEIR daggers. She is setting up the innocent servants of the king, making it look like they committed treason. Also in this scene is the first reference of blood pertaining to guilt. MacBeth says this in Act 2, Scene 3, Line 60, "Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?" This is an example of blood representing guilt, because MacBeth wi...
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Respiration System of Animal
1. Respiration System of animal: The respiration system is important to all animals, this system interacts others system in our body to provide energy and maintain life. Animals inbreathe oxygen, the body though metabolic process to produce ATP (energy source) and carbon dioxide, finally, carbon dioxide would be exhaled to animal body. Operation System in company: Company provides some resources such as place, money, human resource. Managers operate the activities in the company and make decisions. The output in this system is the profit or loss of the company. . A firm can survive and succeed in the long run if it successfully develops strategies to confront 5 competitive forces that shape the structure of competition in its industry. These include rivalry of competitors within its industry, threat of new entrants, threat of substitutes, bargaining power of customers and bargaining power of suppliers. Some competitive strategies can be used to minimize the competitive force: cost le adership strategy, differentiation strategy, innovation strategy, growth strategies and alliance strategies. . The more suitable hardware peripherals for input in a retail operation are touch screen and optical scanning. The touch screen can provide a more user friendly interface to the staffs, even though they have less computer knowledge. Also, optical scanning can provide the faster and easier usage. Liquid crystal displays (LCDs) and matrix printers are suitable for a retail operation, because LCD provide a thin, flat display to use less space. Furthermore, matrix printers can use less time to make some copies in the same time. In using the secondary storage for a retail operation, hard disk drives are more suitable. Hard disk drives allow higher speeds, greater data-recording densities, and closer tolerances within a sealed, more stable environment. Nowadays, the capacity of hard drives is up to many terabytes of storage, it can use less space to save more data in one hard disk drive.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Lenins Revolution Essay - 704 Words
Lenins Revolution At the start of the 20th century, the ruling Tsar of Russia had absolute power and his Government was corrupt, hence, the majority of the people were against him. Vladimir Ilich Lenin, the leader of the Bolsheviks Socialist Party wanted a revolution to overthrow the Government. Relative to these times, it was Lenin who directed the course of the oncoming Russian October Revolution. The outbreak of the unrest, in January 1905, found Lenin anxious to set down a novel strategy for revolution: the need for the proletariat (the working class) to win hegemony in the democratic revolution. He flatly declared to both major political parties of the time (the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks) that the proletariat was the†¦show more content†¦(Tybursky 182) Placing revolution above party unity, Lenin would accept no unity compromise if he thought it might delay, not accelerate the revolution. This makes it quite apparent that without Lenin; there may have not been a revolution. He clearly pushed its commencement. Ten years in exile had not swayed Lenin?s determination to create and direct a powerful revolution. Lenin returned to Russia from exclusion in February 1917, believing that the time was ripe to seize power. The Russian economy was in ruin after the army was nearly defeated and the people exhausted as a result of the First World War. The country was in an unstable state, suitable for a revolution (Levinthal 119). Around October 20, Lenin, in disguise and at considerable personal risk, slipped into Petrograd and attended a secret meeting of the Bolshevik Central Committee held on the evening of October 23. Not until after a heated 10-hour debate did he finally win a majority in favour of preparing an armed takeover. Now steps to enlist the support of soldiers and sailors and to train the Red Guards, the Bolshevik-led workers militia, for an armed takeover proceeded openly under the guise of self-defense of the Petrograd Soviet. Even at great personal risk, Lenin was adamant in sp urring a successful revolution.Show MoreRelatedLenins Role in the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 Essay2226 Words  | 9 PagesLenins Role in the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 After March 1917, the Russian revolution was yet to be completed. The Tsar had been overthrown, the power and responsibility of the government of Russia had been passed on duelly to the Provincial Government and the workers Soviet, the most powerful Soviet in Petrograd. In November 1917, the second revolution was planned, a Bolshevik revolution. Evidence around the Bolshevik revolution is not completely reliable, butRead MoreHow Accurate Is It to Say That Lenin’s Leadership Was the Most Important Reason for the Bolshevik’s Success in the Revolution of November 1917?1413 Words  | 6 PagesHow accurate is it to say that Lenin’s leadership was the most important reason for the Bolshevik’s success in the revolution of November 1917? 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